Worship Service Teams
At St. Thomas we use The Book of Common Prayer and The 1982 Hymnal. The 8 am service is a contemplative Holy Eucharist and the 10 am service normally features music with the organ. We are a Rite II congregation which means we use contemporary language in our service.

Rather than just sitting and listening, our congregation participates actively in the service, through common prayer, songs and sharing in communion. There are also ways to serve during the service and before, by preparing the church for worship. If you want to get involved in our Sunday worship, the opportunities are many:
Acolytes The acolyte team leads the procession at both services and assists the clergy during communion.

Lay Eucharist Ministers LEM’s assist the priest with distributing the wine during communion as well as reading one of the lessons in Sunday worship.

Lectors Lectors read a lesson and lead the Prayers of the People.
Ushers An usher’s responsibilities include greeting people as they arrive for the service, assisting people with special needs, collecting the offering and helping people to the communion rail.

Altar Guild The altar guild readies the church for worship on Sunday by setting the altar with the necessary bread, wine and vessels for Holy Communion. In addition, the altar guild changes the altar hangings throughout the church seasons.
Flower Guild Flowers are a necessary part of our worship at St. Thomas and each week a volunteer, if needed, arranges flowers for the altar. Easter and Christmas are also a time when this talented group comes together to create a beautiful worship space. Click here for photos of Flower Guild creations.

Coffee Hour Hosts This is a group of dedicated volunteers who bring refreshments for the coffee hour following the 10:00 service.