The St .Thomas Episcopal Church Endowment Fund Trust was created by the Vestry in 2011. It is an exempt organization under IRC Section 501(c)(3) and classified as a publically supported charity.
The purpose of the Endowment is to provide management and accountability for the investment assets of St. Thomas Episcopal Church and to accept gifts and bequests benefiting the Church. These gifts are generally for the long-term benefit of the Church and its programs. Income from the endowment is distributed annually to the Church and is used as directed by the donors. Principal and principal gains are retained by the Endowment for long-term investment.
Four Trustees administer the Trust. They meet on a quarterly basis to review investment performance, determine the current cash distribution to the Church, consider requests from the Vestry, determine possible investment changes and decide on the method of investing newly received funds.
The Trustees encourage members and friends to make gifts of any size to the Endowment. Those who wish to make special gifts and legacies to the Church may contact them for information on how the Endowment might be used to carry out their wishes and desires. The Trustees welcome any questions or comments.