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Following Jesus’ commandment set out in Matthew 25:35-37 to feed the hungry, welcome the stranger, clothe the naked and visit the sick and those in prison, St. Thomas reaches out in the community and the world by working with these groups:

Backpack Pals Program

Backpack Pals Program Backpack Pals provides breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack items for weekends to elementary students idenfied as food insecure. St. Thomas has supported this ministry for over 21 years. FAQs here.

Martha’s Project

Martha’s is a ministry with area churches meeting the physical and spiritual needs of the community in eastern Beaufort County. Martha’s operates a thrift store and uses proceeds to buy food for families in need. St. Thomas parishioners are involved in unloading, bagging and distributing food on a regular schedule at Martha’s.

Salvation Army

We participate in bell-ringing for the Salvation Army for 3 weekends in December to provide Christmas gifts and food for those in need.

Advent Angel Tree

Parishioners choose a gift tag off the Christmas tree and purchase children’s or adults’ wished-for gifts.

Betty and Bill Pruitt Scholarship

Betty and Bill Pruitt Scholarship The Pruitt scholarship was established in 2015 to help community college students in need who are working to improve their career potential through education. It was an outreach mission near and dear to the late Betty and Bill Pruitt and continues to live on through the generosity of our parishioners.

Gift of Literacy

Gift of Literacy Program provides books to elementary students at Bath and Northeast schools, as well as school supplies at various times of the year.